
Reading Keys (1) New Ed.

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  • Reading Keys (1) New Ed.

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    To be effective readers in English, students need:

       interesting texts on topics they can relate to plenty of guidance on the page to make understanding easy systematic skills and strategies training to help them become independent readers.

    Reading Keys New Edition provides a flexible approach to effective reading, offering:

       engaging texts from a wide variety of sources plenty of support to aid comprehension attractive full-color design integrated reading skills and vocabulary skills development.

      Reading Keys New Edition is designed for adult and young adult learners of English at the high beginner to high intermediate levels. Each of the three levels has 16 topic-based units organized into eight themes. Texts to study may be selected by topic, genre, reading skill, or vocabulary skill.

    The new edition of this successful reading series also includes:

       Definitions linked to the award-winning Macmillan English Dictionary

       Spotlight on grammar sections

       Theme extension sections

       Comprehensive Teacher’s File for the entire series, including culture and vocabulary notes, answer keys, photocopiable activities, extra vocabulary activities, wordlists, as well as a Test Generator on the accompanying Teacher’s CD-ROM

       Website with printable activities, wordlists, audio recordings of the reading texts, and weblinks relating to the themes in the series


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