Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications

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  • Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications

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      New To This Edition

      1. Enhanced Statistical Coverage

      (1) DCOVA Framework: The use of the DCOVA (Define, Collect, Organize, Visualize, and Analyze) framework as an integrated approach for applying statistics to help solve business problems.

      (2) Many new applied examples and exercises, with data from The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and other sources.

      (3) Using Statistics…Revisited:The new chapter-ending Using Statistics... Revisited sections reinforce the statistical methods and applications discussed in each chapter.

      (4) Managing Ashland MultiComm Services Integrated Case: Showing students how a business uses the statistical methods they’re learning, this new integrated case appears at the end of the chapters throughout the text (replacing the Springville Herald case).

      2. Provide a reference guide for using the programs: This edition contains revised, reorganized, and enhanced instructions for using Excel and Minitab in the new end-of-chapter guides and back-of-the book appendices.


    Mark L Berenson
      現職:Montclair State University

    David M. Levine
      現職:Baruch College, City University of New York

    Timothy C. Krehbiel
      現職:Miami University, Ohio

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