超值推薦-Managerial Accounting(第二版)

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如果您還想深入了解Managerial Accounting(第二版)
1.NEW! Focus Companies include Apple and California Pizza Kitchen.
2.NEW! Spotlight on Service feature in select chapters highlight how managerial accounting is used in service settings.
3.NEW! Video-based skills development cases to select chapters.
4.NEW! Level-up questions require students to combine multiple concepts in order to advance to the next level of accounting knowledge.
5.Added context and discussion to explain why managers need certain types of information not just how to compute it.
6.Streamlined exhibits throughout to provide further visual support to narrative concepts.
7.Re-sequenced the capital budgeting chapter to immediately follow the decentralized performance evaluation chapter for a more logical flow of material.
8.increased quantity of exercises for key topics.
9.Updated all end-of-chapter material.
10.Redesigned end-of-chapter supplements to distinguish them from the main body of the chapter so that instructors can choose to include or ignore them more easily.
Stacey M. Whitecotton
現職:Arizona State Univ-Tempe
Robert Libby
現職:Cornell University-Ithaca
Fred Phillips
現職:University Of Saskatchewan