Macroeconomics (第11版)買到賺到

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1.A chapter on big events in macroeconomics: Chapter 19 pulls together material on the Great Depression, budget deficits, hyperinflation, and social security. Students will get a background on these important economic events and will learn principles which are harder to identify in smoothly running economies.
2.Internet sources: Students are encouraged to access data and other material online, giving them additional sources for research and experience using the Web in economics.
3.Middle-of-the-road approach: Discussions emphasize both the potential and limitations of economic policy. While the lively macroeconomic controversies are explained, the authors remain neutral in their approach.
4.More state-of-the-art research: The authors continue to include more state-of-the-art research than is usually found in undergraduate texts. They make this material accessible by stressing concepts over technique.
5.Strong international coverage: Maintaining traditionally strong international coverage, this text offers extensive international orientation for an increasingly globalized world. The book continues to be used and respected overseas.
Rudi Dornbusch
Stanley Fischer
現職:governor of the Bank of Israel
Richard Startz
現職:University of Washington