
Electrornagnetic Waves

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  • Electrornagnetic Waves

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    內容簡介 Emphasizing concepts, examples and problem-solving techniques, this text has wide applicability, relying only on basic physics and mathematics, rather than electrostatics, magnetostatics and quasistatics. The focus is on generic problem-solving techniques - both mathematical and physically intuitive, and the presentation of basic electromagnetic theorems (Poynting, energy, uniqueness and reciprocity) - explained from a physical perspective. Key features are that it progresses from simple wave propagation in unbounded free space to antenna and resonator design and begins directly with Maxwell's equations and their solution in unbounded free space. It covers the funadmental concepts of place waves, phasors, polarisation, energy, power and force and then applied them repeatedly throughout to problems with progressively more complex boundary conditions. It uses "back-of-the-envelope" approximations throughout and in some cases compares alternate problem-solving approaches - both mathematical and physically-intuitive and repeatedly presents - in different contexts - the relationship between electromagnetic field descriptions and electrical circuits. Interesting practical problems are provided throughout and are the basis for end-of-chapter problems. It presents mathematical and physical problem solving techniques in a way that can be extended to other subjects besides electromagnetic waves.

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