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Principles of Accounting 20/e provides leading accounting content that engages and motivates students. It helps students to develop good decision-making habits as they prepare, analyze, and apply accounting information. It also includes the financial reports of nestle, Kraft Foods, and Adidas to further reinforce real-world relevance of accounting concepts.
1.A unique pedagogical framework that gives insight into every aspect of business decision making supported by accounting information.
2.The Conceptual/Analytical/Procedural(CAP)Model that allows instructors to easily customize their courses
3.Chapter-opening stories featuring many successful entrepreneurs
4.A focus on International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)and IFRS-reporting companies
5.Additional points, hints and tips strategically placed in side margins
6.Comprehensive end-of-chapter questions, exercises and problems
John J. Wild
現職:University of Wisconsin at Madison
Ken W. Shaw
現職:Uninersity of Missouri at Columbia
Barbara Chiappetta
現職:Nassau Community College
Winston Kwok
現職:National University of Singapore