
Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach, 1e

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  • Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach, 1e

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      In Corporate Finance, the distinguished team of Michelle Clayman, Martin Fridson, and George Troughton—together with a number of experienced contributors—provides you with complete coverage of the most important issues in modern corporate finance. This book contains the foundational knowledge and tools needed for making smart business decisions, formulating strategies to maximize company value, and maintaining lasting growth. It covers everything from managing relationships between stakeholders to evaluating merger and acquisition bids—as well as the companies involved in them.


      Michelle R. Clayman, CFA, is founder, Managing Partner, and Chief Investment Officer of New Amsterdam Partners LLC, an institutional money management firm in New York City. She has been published in the Financial Analysts Journal and the Journal of Investing, and is a frequent commentator for CNBC, Bloomberg, and other financial media outlets.

      Martin S. Fridson, CFA, is CEO of FridsonVision LLC in New York City and is known for his innovative work in credit analysis and investment strategy. He is the author of several highly acclaimed books on financial statement analysis, high-yield debt, and financial history and is the youngest person ever inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame.

      George H. Troughton, PhD, CFA, is Professor Emeritus of Finance at California State University, Chico. He is a recipient of the C. Stewart Sheppard Award for the advancement of education in the investment profession as well as the Donald L. Tuttle Award for CFA Grading Excellence.


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