Fixed Income Analysis, 2e

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  • Fixed Income Analysis, 2e

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      In the Second Edition of Fixed Income Analysis, financial expert Frank Fabozzi and a team of knowledgeable contributors provide complete coverage of the most important issues in fixed income analysis.

      Now, in Fixed Income Analysis Workbook, Second Edition, Fabozzi offers you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will solidify your understanding of the tools and techniques associated with this discipline. This comprehensive study guide--which parallels the main book chapter by chapter--contains challenging problems and a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary overviews.

      If you want to make the most of your time in the fixed income marketplace, the lessons within this workbook can show you how. Topics reviewed include:

    The risks associated with investing in fixed income securities
    The fundamentals of valuation and interest rate risk
    The features of structured products--such as mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities
    The principles of credit analysis
    The valuation of fixed income securities with embedded options


      FRANK J. FABOZZI, PhD, CFA, CFP, is an Adjunct Professor of Finance and Becton Fellow at Yale University's School of Management. He is also Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, and a consultant.


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