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Every chapter has been reviewed and revised to give instructors and students the most modern, up-to-date textbook available. All tables and figures have been updated where necessary, and examples have been updated to reflect current issues and happenings in the dynamic world of investments. Also, the following key content updates and additions have been done for this edition.
1.Chapters 1 (Investments: Background and Issues) and 2 (Asset Classes and Financial Instruments) have been updated with major new sections on securitization, the roots of the financial crisis, and the fallout from the crisis.
2.Chapter 3 (Securities Markets) includes extensive new sections that detail the rise of electronic markets, algorithmic and high-speed trading, and changes in market structure.
3.Chapter 14 (Financial Statement Analysis) includes all-new motivation and rationale for how ratio analysis can be organized to guide one’s analysis of firm performance.
4.See the book preface for more additions and content updates.
To further link theory with practice, end-of-chapter problems contain practice questions for the CFA(R) Exams provided by Kaplan Schweser, a global leader in CFA (R) education. These questions are tagged with an icon for easy reference.
Zvi Bodie
現職:Boston University – Finance
Alex Kane
現職:University of California - San Diego
Alan J. Marcus
現職:Boston College - Finance Department