Financial Analysis in Hong Kong

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  • Financial Analysis in Hong Kong

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      In the commercial sector, financial statements act as a means of communication between corporations and various internal and external parties. However, reading a financial statement can be like reading a document in a foreign language, with a sea of jargon obscuring the statement’s true meaning. Financial Analysis in Hong Kong is a clear, concise reference for analysing the financial statements of corporations. Based on an in-depth analyses of published financial statements selected from successful corporations, this book is a practical and comprehensive reference for both novices and professionals in the financial field.


      Benny K. B. Kwok is a reputable expert in the fields of litigation support, dispute analysis, and fraud investigation and is the author of two authoritative titles: Accounting Irregularities in Financial Statements and Forensic Accountancy. Currently Mr. Kwok is a director of AIP Partners CPA Limited and also practices independently as a chartered surveyor, chartered accountant, certified public accountant, and financial journalist.


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