New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century(9版)網路狂銷


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1.New Co-Author: Rob Adams brings his substantial background not only as a successful entrepreneur but also as a successful venture investor.
2.Substantial Text Revision: The text was revised to focus on tightening the presentation and improving the flow while covering the same or more information as in the previous edition.
3.Latest Example Updates: New examples of entrepreneurs in action coping with the post-Internet bubble era, the mortgage loan crisis in 2007 and the recession of 2008.
4.Problem Solving Opportunities: Two chapters, 'Clean Commerce is an Opportunity Sea Change'and 'Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurship,' present the enormous opportunities for entrepreneurs to solve environmental and wide-ranging social issues.
5.Complete Business Plan: Chapter 8, 'The Business Plan', presents a complete business plan guide along with tips, practical advice, and know-how from successful entrepreneurs and investors on the development and presentation of the plan.
6.Study Questions: Each chapter provides study questions to enable the student to focus on key issues, test their knowledge, and organize important material and insights presented in the chapter.
7.Thought Provoking: Mind Stretchers at the end of each chapter pose some thought provoking ideas for readers allowing them to apply the material.
8.The Venture Opportunity Screening Exercises (VOSE) have been simplified and segmented into discreet exercises that can be used separately or in total. This change allows for maximum flexibility in the syllabus and when counseling individual students or mentoring field study projects
Stephen Spinelli
現職:Philadelphia University
Robert J. Adams
現職:The University of Texas at Austin