Managing Small Business: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis 16/e強檔特價


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.CLEARLY PRESENTED FINANCE CHAPTERS KEEP IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNDERSTANDABLE AND PRACTICAL: Understanding and using financial information is frequently a challenge for both students and today's small business owners. Because knowing how to use and apply financial information is so critical for small business success, this edition's financial chapters provide careful attention to finance matters. What was previously one chapter on financial statements has been split into two chapters. The new material should help create a level playing field for the "non-accounting" student.
.SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESOURCE CENTER (SBERC) EXERCISES HIGHLIGHT BREAKING RESEARCH AND ENTREPRENEURIAL CONCEPTS: Dynamic SBERC Exercises at the end of each chapter and on the CourseMate Web site direct students to the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Resource Center with more than 900,000 business articles and company information on various exciting entrepreneurial ventures. Students examine how chapter topics apply to each situation as they examine intriguing companies, such as Dyson, Bear Naked Granola, Blue Nile, and iSoldIt!, LLC.
.FULL SECTION DEVOTED TO DEVELOPING A THOROUGH BUSINESS PLAN ENSURES SUCCESS: This book includes a full complement of chapters devoted to the essential tasks associated with developing a business plan. The authors ensure that students answer all of the tough questions in developing a business plan. Targeted questions within the chapters in Part 3 lead students through the process of building their own plans by ensuring that they focus on the pertinent, not the peripheral. An in-text sample business plan gives students a finished product to dissect and analyze.
.INTEGRATED LEARNING SYSTEM COORDINATES TEXT AND SUPPLEMENTS FOR WINNING APPROACH: Beginning with the "Looking Ahead" learning objectives that open each chapter, this book organizes information into distinct, focused, and comprehensible segments. Numbered icons in the text margins indicate where coverage related to each objective appears. All relevant content related to learning objectives is recapped in end-of-chapter "Looking Back" summaries.
【New to this Edition】
.NEW, EXPANDED CONTENT ADDRESSES TIMELY GLOBAL ISSUES, BREAKING TECHNOLOGY, AND FAMILY BUSINESS: Now you can give your students a solid understanding of multi-level marketing, e-business, and legal and global issues affecting entrepreneurs in tough economic times: More on social media. More on small business opportunities. More on Internet businesses. More examples of problems running a business. Condensed coverage of ethics material. Discussion of the effects of the recent recession on small businesses.
.NEW feature: Start↑ (StartUp) features throughout provide direction/guidance on entrepreneurial Skills, Tools, Actions, Resources, and Transforming (going to the next level).
J. William Petty
現職:Baylor University
Leslie E. Palich
現職:Baylor University