Auditing and Assurance Services with ACL CD(5版)

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  • Auditing and Assurance Services with ACL CD(5版)

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      1.This edition has fully integrated the eight new standards ( AS 8N/AS 15 ) adopted by the PCAOB. In addition, the book has fully integrated the latest updates from the international standards of auditing (ISAs) and the Auditing Standards Board (ASB).

      2.Each chapter now begins with a list of the AU/ISA Sections that are covered from the Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards published by the AICPA and the list of PCAOB Auditing Standards covered in that chapter.

      3.All chapters and modules have been revised to incorporate professional standards adopted by July 2009, and international -standards of auditing (ISAs).

      4.The text has been revised around the AS5 Auditing Standard. The new standard replaces Auditing Standard No. 2 (PCAOB 2004) and all related internal control audit guidance that had previously been issued by the PCAOB. The new standard makes significant changes to the way auditors audit internal control. The AS5 material is integrated throughout the text.

      5.Text discussion of companies with which students are familiar, including eBay, Boeing, General Motors, Hershey’s, Disney, Wal-Mart,, Krispy Kreme, H&R Block and many others.

      6.Fraud awareness emphasis throughout text by inclusion of FRAUD cases in EACH chapter pulled from recent headlines including companies such as Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, Satyam, Parmalat, WorldCom, Enron, Freddie Mac, and Sunbeam.

      7.Comprehensive case studies on Andersen, HealthSouth, GE, KPMG, General Motors, PTL Club, Saytam Computer Services, LTD., and Parmalat that cover multiple chapter topics.

      8.Kaplan CPA audit simulations that allow students to go online and complete simulations similar to those in the new on-line CPA examination.

      9.Discussion of the creation of the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and its standard-setting and monitoring roles including discussion of the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


    Timothy J. Louwers

      現職:James Madison University

    Robert J. Ramsay

      現職:University of Kentucky

    David H. Sinason

      現職:Northern Illinois University

    Jerry R. Strawser

      現職:Texas A&M University

    Jay C. Thibodeau

      現職:Bentley University


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