超值推薦-The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 10/e

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如果您還想深入了解The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 10/e
The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets set the standard for money and banking courses when it published in its first edition, and it continues to be the worldwide market leader. By applying a unified analytical framework to the models, Mishkin makes theory intuitive for students, and the rich array of current, real-world events keeps students motivated. Authoritative, comprehensive, and flexible, the text is easy to integrate into a wide variety of syllabi, and its ancillaries provide complete support when teaching the course. This edition continues to expand on the discussion of the current financial crisis.
This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States.
Frederic S. Mishkin
現職:Columbia University