博客來好書推薦-Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions 11/e

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MICROECONOMIC THEORY: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND EXTENSIONS, International Edition delivers the most cutting-edge treatment of microeconomics in its new 11th edition. The text offers an ideal level of mathematical rigor for upper level undergraduate students and beginning graduate students. Students work directly with theoretical tools, real-world applications, and cutting edge developments in the study of microeconomics. It provides clear and accurate coverage of advanced microeconomic concepts and illustrates how the theory applies to practical situations. In addition, the text’s aggressive effort helps build student intuition by including a new two-tier end-of-chapter problem that begins with simple numerical/mathematical exercises followed by more analytical, theoretical, and complex problems.
Walter Nicholson
現職:Amherst College
學歷:PH.D in economics from the MIT
Christopher Snyder
現職:Dartmouth College
學歷:PH.D in economics from the MIT