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1.New Co-Author: Kermit L. Schoenholtz, NYU-Stern School of Business, brings his broad economic and professional expertise to the 3rd edition.
2.The Third edition has been revised extensively in light of the global financial crisis. Throughout, the authors have integrated key developments and relevant insights from the crisis. New topics introduced or discussed in much greater detail include: Crises of liquidity and deleveraging、Shadow banking、Systemic risk、Complex financial instruments、Centralized counterparties、Too big to fail、Macroprudential regulation、Paying interest on reserves、The zero bound、Unconventional monetary policy tools、Impact of the crisis on Fed independence.
3.Impact of the Crisis: The effects of the financial crisis of 2007~2009 are transforming money, banking, and financial markets. Accordingly, from beginning to end, the book integrates the issues raised by the crisis and by the related policymaker responses.
4.Lessons from the Crisis: New Lessons from the Crises sections appear throughout the book to explain concepts or issues that are both integral to the chapter and central to understanding how the financial crisis of 2007~2009 transformed the world of money, banking, and financial markets. Topics range from specific aspects of the crisis such as shadow banks, asset-backed securities, and the evolution of the money supply to broad concepts like liquidity, leverage, securitization, and systemic risk.
5.Updated Discussion of the Federal Reserve:The discussion of the Federal Reserve now highlights the use of unconventional policy tools in addressing the financial crisis (Chapter 18) and the impairment of the monetary transmission process during the crisis (Chapter 23). It also reflects the challenge to Fed independence in the aftermath of the crisis (Chapter 15).
6.Updated Coverage of Current Events
7.Updated Your Financial Worldboxes that examine personal finance issues relevant for the international student, including trading options on foreign exchanges, evaluating the risks of ITC derivatives, and using inflation-protected bonds around the world.
8.Revised Applying the Conceptboxes that describe historical events and issues relevant to the international public policy debate, such as sovereign risk, international financial intermediation, and precedents of the concept of lender of last resort.
9.Added focus on international financial instruments, such as currency options used by businesses to mitigate risk inherent in cross-border transactions.
Stephen Cecchetti
現職:Brandeis University & Rosenberg Institute