站長推薦-Better Business(2版)


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Provide a better way to learn: Conversational Style.
Q&A Format. Better Business was designed to communicate fundamental business concepts in the form of a clear and engaging conversation. This conversational style consistently creates a Question & Answer dialogue-a modern approach that draws students into the material.
Teasers are placed at the beginning of each objective to pique students' interest in the material so they will read on.
BizChats, which appear in every chapter, help students connect the chapter material with what's going on in business today. These hot topics can be used to spark thoughtful discussion in class or create virtual discussions in mybizlab.
On Target and Off the Mark sections illustrate positive (On Target) and negative (Off the Mark) outcomes to a variety of business ventures related to the chapter material, which can fuel engaging dialogue that will help make the material memorable.
NEW! Offer an array of better topics: New and Updated Information.
Updated Time-sensitive Material. Stories and examples from the first edition have been updated and written in the most current context. Over 90% of the endnotes were replaced with current references. Timely examples have replaced older material, giving the second edition a more up-to-date feel that resonates with students.
NEW! Social Media Coverage. One of the most significant shifts in the business environment since the first edition is the explosive growth of social media in all parts of business. This editionfeatures social media strategies and technologies in over 85% of the chapters.
Provide better opportunities for practice and review: End-of-chapter Material.
New Discussion Topics, Assessment Questions, and Group Activities. With the continuing economic shifts, changes in technologies, and ever-increasing globalization, the business world is evolving quickly. To help students keep their finger on the pulse of the ever-changing world of business, this edition provides wide-ranging choices for discussion topics, assessment questions, and group activities that cover the most current and timely topics in the business community.
Every chapter concludes with a Q&A Chapter Summary, Self-Tests, and Critical Thinking Questions to challenge students' comprehension of the material and guide their review.
Michael R. Solomon
現職:Saint Joseph's University
Mary Anne Poatsy
現職:Montgomery County Community College
Kendall Martin
現職:Montgomery County Community College