International Business Law and Its Environment秒殺搶購

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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW AND ITS ENVIRONMENT centers on the International Business and Its Environment delivers comprehensive coverage of the legal, cultural, political, economic, and ethical issues global business managers face. Focusing on the trade, licensing and investment life-cycle that many domestic (new-to-international) and multinational organizations experience, the authors present the market-entry strategies, increasing levels of penetration into foreign markets, and set of risks that firms encounter during each life-cycle phase. From protecting and licensing intellectual property to learning the special challenges of doing business in developing countries and non-market-economies, the 8th Edition helps students understand the most important and emerging issues in global business law through its cutting-edge cases and real-world examples, relevant case questions, managerial problems, and ethics activities.
1.Ethical Considerations: Challenge students to evaluate the ethical and moral side of decisions, along with their impact on stakeholders, with real-world scenarios that help develop critical thinking skills.
2.Extensive Consumer Law Coverage: Fascinate students with legal issues they encounter in their own lives with thorough coverage of products liability and other prevalent causes of action in consumer law.
3.Landmark Cases: Known for its comprehensive collection of breakthrough cases from U.S. and foreign courts, along with decisions from the WTO, NAFTA, ICSID, and other international tribunals, the 8th Edition of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW AND ITS ENVIRONMENT offers students an incomparable resource in international business law.
Richard Schaffer
現職:Appalachian State University
Filiberto Agusti
現職:Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Lucien J. Dhooge
現職:Georgia Institute of Technology
Beverley Earle
現職:Bentley College