Regression Analysis by Example (Original) 5/e限時特價

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The book now includes a new chapter on the detection and correction of multicollinearity, while also showcasing the use of the discussed methods on newly added data sets from the fields of engineering, medicine, and business. The Fifth Edition also explores additional topics, including:
1.Surrogate ridge regression
2.Fitting nonlinear models
3.Errors in variables
4.ANOVA for designed experiments
Methods of regression analysis are clearly demonstrated, and examples containing the types of irregularities commonly encountered in the real world are provided. Each example isolates one or two techniques and features detailed discussions, the required assumptions, and the evaluated success of each technique. Additionally, methods described throughout the book can be carried out with most of the currently available statistical software packages, such as the software package R.
Samprit Chatterjee
現職:New York University
Ali S. Hadi
現職:American University in Cairo (AUC)