Business (第12版)強檔特價

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1.Completely new, in-depth coverage of social media has been included within the chapter on e-business.
2.Accounting coverage has been streamlined for the introductory business student and covered together with the topic of management information systems.
3.Each chapter has been thoroughly updated to provide the most recent data and examples. New topics include the current status of the economic crisis, new information about the national debt, the latest news in social media, the flourishing app world, competing in the global environment today, the latest productivity trends and lean manufacturing, and new coverage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, among many others.
4.Each chapter now includes a social media exercise within the "Building Skills for Career Success" section.
5.Two new Personal Apps features within each chapter provide student-centered examples to illustrate main text concepts.
6.All "Inside Business" cases are new to this edition and introduce the theme of each chapter by focusing on real-world companies such as Zynga, Chobani, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Umpqua Bank, and Linked In.
7.All boxed features are new but continue to emphasize the theme of success: Going for Success, Career Success. Entrepreneurial Success, and Ethical Success or Failure?
8.New end-of-chapter cases and video cases cover well-known companies and contemporary situations.
William M. Pride
現職:Texas A&M University
Robert J. Hughes
現職:Dallas County Community Colleges
Jack R. Kapoor
現職:College of DuPage