Services Marketing 6/E物超所值

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購買[Services Marketing 6/E]絕對物超所值
1.Cross-Functional Treatment of Issues: through integration of marketing with other disciplines such as operations and human resources. This coverage illustrates to students the strong role that teams play in the business world and specifically in developing and marketing a service.
2.Students Develop the Skills Needed to Market a Service: Students learn how to apply basic marketing concepts in the service environment.
3.Three Service Ps: People, Physical Evidence, Process: Builds upon the traditional marketing mix to address differences between marketing of services and tangible goods.
4.Focus on Customer Relationships and Relationship Marketing Strategies: Integrated throughout the text to reinforce the role that relationship marketing plays in marketing a service.
5.Emphasis on Service Quality Measurement: Reflects the importance good companies place on their ability to quantify and measure service quality as they strive to build customer loyalty and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of service offerings.
6.Detailed Coverage of Service Development Processes:cluding a detailed and complete introduction to service blueprinting a tool for describing, designing and positioning services exposes students to forward-thinking ideas intended to better match service with customer expectations.
Valarie A. Zeithaml
現職:University of North Carolina
Mary Jo Bitner
現職:Arizona State University
Dwayne D. Gremler
現職:Bowling Green State University