Business Analysis and Valuation:Using Financial Statements(Text Only) 5/E限量搶購

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1.New Harvard Business School Cases: Many cases in the Fifth Edition are new, such as Vizio, Inc., Oddo Securities, This Risk-Reward Framework at Morgan Stanley Research, and Sidoti & Company. Cases are supported by textual material that explains the techniques to be used, the theory and evidence behind them, and the detailed institutional context in which the practical applications are conducted to assure that students develop strong practical skills using real world applications.
2.Updated Examples. Both the smaller, in-chapter examples and the larger, multi-chapter example using new companies TJX and Nordstrom have been revised and updated for currency so students have the latest information to support concepts in the text.
3.New Multi-Chapter Example Companies. For the fifth edition, the multi-chapter example uses TJX and Nordstrom, and is more fully integrated and developed to illustrate the business analysis and valuation process to include accounting adjustments.
4.New Coverage of both Unadjusted and Adjusted Financial Statements for Analysis. For the fifth edition, new companies TJX and Nordstrom illustrate ratio analysis in Chapter 5 using both unadjusted and adjusted financial statements.
5.Revised and Updated IFRS Coverage. The discussion of US GAAP / IFRS convergence, discussion and examples on comparing IFRS/US GAAP companies, and brief discussion on remaining differences between IFRS and US GAAP have been updated for currency.
6.Expanded Discussion of Fair Value with New Case. A new case on the subprime crisis and fair value accounting highlights the updated coverage of fair value in 5e.
7.New Online Version of BAV Software. This financial statement analysis and valuation tool has a new, online interface and features, making data imports easier and analysis clearer and more graphical.
Krishna G. Palepu
現職:Harvard University
Paul M. Healy
現職:Harvard University
Victor L Bernard
現職:University of Michigan