經典款式Multinational Management:A Strategic Approach(6版)


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1.Authors John B. Cullen and K. Praveen Parboteeah provide instructors with their effective research on the social institutions of work values and international recruiting.
2.MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition features topics related to the global economic crisis, including the world banking crisis and the US economic bailout, and also provides enhanced coverage on transnational strategy concepts, Porter’s five forces, copyright infringement, FDI, sustainability, social responsibility, and regional and global integration.
3.MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition remains the first international management text that uses a strategic perspective as a unifying theme to explore the global economy and the impact of managerial decisions.
4.MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition emphasizes the multinational activities of small business, focusing an entire chapter on the specific problems and prospects for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to become multinational competitors.
5.The updated edition of MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition discusses how cultural differences affect strategies and operations, giving students an appreciation of how social institutions—such as the economic system, the polity, the education system, and religion—play an important role in any multinational operation.
6.The authors of MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition provide end-of-chapter cases, integrative end-of-part cases, and a variety of boxed features to give students the opportunity to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
7.The sixth edition of MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 6e, International Edition features new and updated cases.
8.This edition has been updated with the latest research, examples, and statistics available in multinational management, providing the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.
9.Updated figures and tables with data from GLOBE: The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program, the World Values Survey, the International Social Survey Program, the World Bank’s World Trade Report, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the United Nation’s World Investment Report.
John B. Cullen
現職:Washington State University
K. Praveen Parboteeah
現職:University of Wisconsin