博客來好書推薦-Management Principles and Practices(第11版)

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1.REVISED AND NEW BUILDING SKILLS EXERCISES HELP STUDENTS APPLY WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED. Help future managers learn how to handle critical situations. These useful exercises in each chapter offer insights into approaching various management situations most effectively. Students improve targeted skills, such as conceptual, diagnostic, decision-making, time-management, and technical abilities.
2.WELL-ORGANIZED, INVITING APPROACH IS ORGANIZED AROUND FUNCTIONS OF BUSINESS. Help your students strengthen their management skills and better understand the power of innovation in today's workplace with this book's effective balance of theory and practice.
3.HUNDREDS OF WELL-RESEARCHED EXAMPLES BRING CONCEPTS TO LIFE. This edition draws memorable examples from a wide variety of popular establishments, from large organizations to unique small businesses.
1.NEW "MANAGEMENT IN ACTION" OPENING CASES SET THE STAGE FOR CHAPTER CONCEPTS THAT FOLLOW. Dynamic cases highlight large companies, such as Wegmans, as well as small companies, such as Bigfoot Entertainment. Cases also explore student-friendly, intriguing companies, such as Snopes.com. Corresponding end-of-chapter "You Make the Call" exercises ask students to reconsider the opening case and make a judgment based on the concepts they've learned.
2.NEW "MANAGEMENT AT WORK" CLOSING CASES EFFECTIVELY CONCLUDE EACH CHAPTER. These captivating cases challenge students to apply chapter concepts to actual management situations. These new cases cover a range of topics from airline alliances and managing air traffic controllers to the Carbon Mitigation Initiative and more.
3.NEW "A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE" BOXES HIGHLIGHT CHANGES COMPANIES ARE MAKING IN THE FACE OF CHANGING TIMES. Students gain first-hand insights into how effective companies are adapting to today's challenges. Feature boxes examine development assistance, stress among outsources, and advantages or disadvantages to diversifying the board of directors.
4.NEW "ETHICALLY SPEAKING" BOXES EXAMINE PRESSING ETHICAL ISSUES IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE. These helpful features highlight ethics challenges facing management in the current work environment and address issues such as workplace bullying and drug use.
5.NEW "GREENING THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT" BOXES ADDRESS SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS. With the importance of green issues in business today, these new feature boxes address topics of growing importance. Students study issues, such as changing the climate of global aid and the U.S. Government's stance on C02 regulation.
Ricky W. Griffin
現職:Texas A&M University