Management (第12版)物超所值


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This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States.
REAL Managers, REAL Experiences: Bring management theories to life!
This bestselling principles text vividly illustrates management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Throughout this text, students will see and experience management in action, helping them understand how the concepts they’re reading about work in today’s business world.
1.Chapter Openers: Chapter Openers spotlight real managers at work in real organizations, giving student the opportunity to see chapter topics in action.
2.Practice Management: End-of-part Management Practice exercises are designed to give students a chance to "practice" management using:
· A Manager's Dilemma - a realistic dilemma a manager might face which students must decide how to resolve.
· Global Sense - additional material on global issues that managers face every day. Students are asked to research and discuss the implications.
· Continuing Case on Starbucks - a comprehensive case, with questions, that addresses important concepts from each part in the text.
Stephen P. Robbins
現職:San Diego State University
Mary Coulter
現職:Missouri State University