International Business:The Challenge of Global Competition (第13版)物超所值


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International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 13th Global Edition by Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of International Business available for students. Enriched with maps, photos, and the most up-to-date world data, this text boasts the collective expertise of four authors with firsthand international business experience, specializing in international management, finance, law, global strategy, and marketing ' a claim no other text can make. Only Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett can offer a complete view of International Business as diverse as the backgrounds of business students.
1. Opening cases introduce students to some of the key concepts to be addressed in the chapter.
2. Worldview examples feature in every chapter and offer students a compelling example of how international business is affected by legal, political, economic and social issues, helping students understand how interrelated business strategy and policy issues are.
3. Global Debate boxes appear in every chapter and provide the foundation for examining different perspectives on contemporary challenges that have faced companies and managers involved in international business, including issues relevant to ethical and socially-responsible behaviour.
4. The Global Path Ahead boxes in each chapter provide a concise vignette of a current student or recent graduate who has begun to pursue international business opportunities early in his or her career. These boxes cover such topics as finding international job opportunities, building international skills and experience, and gaining relevant knowledge and tools to increase success in finding and performing international business jobs. Through others experiences, students can learn valuable tools and insights to enter and excel in international business activities and careers.
5. Instructive Maps display valuable data and ensure students grasp geographic implications.
6. Mini cases appear at the end of chapter. These brief scenarios challenge students to apply concepts discussed in the chapter to real-world situations.
7. Using the text and the GlobalEDGE website, students solve realistic IB problems related to each chapter. These exercises expose students to the data sources and tools international business managers use to make informed decisions.
Michael Geringer
現職:Calif Polytechnic State University
Jeanne M. McNett
現職:Assumption College
Michael S Minor
現職:University of Texas Pan American