Strategic Brand Management 4/e售完不補

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Keller’s market leading strategic brand management book provides insights into profitable brand strategies by building, measuring, and managing brand equity. The Global Edition strengthens relevance by using locally applicable examples that include Scoot, Hyundai, Etisalat, Qantas, Uniqlo, Mambo.
New to this Edition:
1.New and updated Branding Briefs and in-text examples:
May of the New Branding Briefs and numerous in-text examples have been added. The goal was to blend classic and contemporary examples, so many still-relevant and illuminating examples remain.
2.Additional academic references:
As noted, the branding area continues to receive concerted academic research attention. Accordingly, each chapter incorporates new references and sources for additional study.
3.Tighter chapters:
Chapters have been trimmed and large boxed material carefully screened to provide a snappier, more concise read.
4.Stronger visuals:
The text includes numerous engaging photos and graphics. These visuals highlight many of the important and interesting concepts and examples from the chapters.
5.Updated and new original cases:
To provide broader, more relevant coverage, four new cases have been added to the Best Practices in Branding casebook — Product (Red), King Arthur Flour, ESPN X Games, and Target. Each of 14 other cases has been significantly updated. All of the cases are considerably shorter and tighter. Collectively, these cases provide insights into the thinking and activities of some of the world’s best marketers while also highlighting the many challenges they still face.
Kevin Lane Keller
現職:Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College